Sulu Release 2.2.0

Three weeks ago we released the first release cand...
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Sulu Release 2.0.12 & 2.1.3

Right before our 2.2.0 release we are publishing S...
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Sulu Release 2.2.0-RC1

Today we have released the first release candidate...
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How We Extended Sulu’s Admin UI for Allianz Cinema and Why We Did it That Way

Although Sulu aims to empower users without causin...
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Why extending Sulu’s admin UI makes business sense for agencies and enterprises

Did you know you can leverage Sulu’s admin user in...
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Sulu Release 1.6.36, 2.0.11 & 2.1.2

Since our last patch release in July, we’ve been w...
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Sulu Release 1.6.35, 2.0.10 & 2.1.1

Today we have released new patch releases (1.6.35,...
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SuluFormBundle 2.0 stable release — with honey-pot spam protection and even easier theming

After releasing the SuluArticleBundle 2.1, we are ...
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SuluArticleBundle 2.1 adds support for Symfony 5 and Elasticsearch 7

After releasing Sulu 2.1 last week, we are happy t...
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Sulu Release 2.1.0 & 2.0.9

We’re delighted to announce the full Sulu 2.1 Rele...
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Sulu Release 1.6.34, 2.0.8 & 2.1.0-RC2

Finally, we were able to deliver Sulu 2.1.0-RC2! I...
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Sulu Release 1.6.33 & 2.0.7

Sulu 1.6.33 and 2.0.7 are rather big for hotfixes....
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