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Alexander Schranz

Core Developer

Core developer and support king. So dedicated to his work that we couldn't find a hobby to mention.

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SuluArticleBundle 2.1 adds support for Symfony 5 and Elasticsearch 7

After releasing Sulu 2.1 last week, we are happy to announce the release of the SuluArticleBundle 2.1 — which will bring full support for Symfony 5 and Elasticsearch 7 to this bundle.

Full support for Symfony 5!

Sulu 2.1 was shipped with support for Symfony 5. So that you can also use the SuluArticleBundle with Symfony 5, we first needed to update some dependencies. In this case we decided to fork elasticsearch-bundle and elasticsearch-dsl and make them ready for Symfony 5. This will also enable us to ship updates and fixes for these requirements of the bundle faster in the future. 

Full support for Elasticsearch 7!

Now we have the elasticsearch bundle and dsl packages under our control, we are happy to announce one of the most requested features for SuluArticleBundle is also in this release — support for Elasticsearch 7. If you are going to update to the newest Elasticsearch version, make sure you have the correct version of the elasticsearch/elasticsearch packages installed in your project. If you have the new version of elasticsearch running, use the following commands to upgrade your project.

# Remove ongr packages:
composer remove ongr/elasticsearch-bundle --no-update
composer remove ongr/elasticsearch-dsl --no-update

# Require your matching elasticsearch version here:
composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch:"^7" --no-update

# Update article bundle to newest version:
composer require sulu/article-bundle:"^2.1" --with-dependencies

# Reindex exist articles into elasticsearch:
bin/adminconsole ongr:es:index:create --manager default
bin/adminconsole ongr:es:index:create --manager live
bin/adminconsole sulu:article:reindex
bin/websiteconsole sulu:article:reindex

Your feedback is important!

If you have any feedback on the changes, run into any issues when upgrading, or have new ideas for the bundle, feel free to create an issue on Github or contact us via our Slack channel.

If you like the bundle, don’t hesitate to give it a ⭐ on Github.

Alexander Schranz

Core Developer

Core developer and support king. So dedicated to his work that we couldn't find a hobby to mention.
