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Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.

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Sulu Release 1.6.36, 2.0.11 & 2.1.2

Since our last patch release in July, we’ve been working on some improvements and bug fixes.  I’ll show you highlights from this release in this blog post.

Release 1.6.36

This release contains three bug fixes.

The first one fixes the deselection of a teaser via the overlay used by the teaser selection. This fixed an issue where, if users opened the overlay by clicking the ‘add’ button and deselected some of the options, then the changes didn’t take effect. Now the changes are correctly applied.

The second one fixes the export functionality for the selection of audience targeting groups. This data was missing when exporting the data of a page. Now, all the correct data is exported.

Last but not least our community member Karsten Frohwein fixed an issue concerning our image cropping feature in combination with PostgreSQL. There was a mismatch between an integer and a float, which caused PostgreSQL to err. Thank you Karsten for your continuing support!

Release 2.0.11 & 2.1.2

All of the other fixes are applied to the latest 2.0 and 2.1 release, since they occured in both versions.

The most annoying issue was probably a regression which was introduced in MobX. Because of that regression the development build of Sulu’s administration interface was throwing an error in certain situations, especially. when you tried to edit a page. We’ve hunted the bug down and fixed it.

Another regression was caused by an update in the JMSSerializerBundle. It resulted in making it impossible to remove webspaces or rules from target groups of Sulu’s audience targeting feature. This regression was also fixed in this release.

The next issue was that our select field type always showed the selected value stored in the database, even if this value was not allowed anymore. This was especially problematic for the MultiSelection field type, because it was not possible to remove that value anymore for the content manager, causing it to always be passed to the rendering Twig template. Fortunately, we were able to correct that behavior as well.

In certain setups and configurations there was a problem with the generation of URLs, because it didn’t use the correct protocol. We fixed that by using the protocol of the current request to generate the URLs, which should fix this issue for all cases.

Finally, we have also improved the developer experience when creating custom forms. Previously, it was possible to use the wrong XML root node, because the XSD (XML Schema Definition) allows different ones based on the use case. However, if they were used in the wrong way a confusing error message appeared. This confusing message was replaced with a message explaining the cause of the error in a more clear way.


Although these changes might not be critical for everybody, I would still advise you to update. Maybe you are not running into these issues currently, but it might affect you somewhen in the future.

If you are updating we would be happy to hear your feedback on our Slack channel.

Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.
