Build Compelling, Interactive Digital Experiences with Sulu

Product configurators, community-driven platforms, event portals, enterprise portals, or boutique e-commerce: be creative with Sulu. Spin up customized digital experiences on any channel. Sulu’s frontend-agnostic approach can power not only mobile apps but also smart devices, digital signage, interactive in-store displays, or even immersive WebGL worlds.

Interactive Digital Experiences

Powerful features at your fingertips

  • Tailor Sulu to your business with Symfony business logic
  • Reuse custom-built business logic on your website
  • Reuse custom business objects across webspaces
  • Business logic is not tied to Sulu but can be used in any Symfony application
  • Access business objects outside of Sulu (headless, other Symfony/PHP applications, microservices)
  • Powerful, intuitive administration UI for editors to administer all your business objects
  • Use admin interface’s built-in list functionality (search, filter, sort, …) for your custom entities
  • Use admin interface’s built-in form functionality (fields, tabs, actions, …) for your custom entities
  • Full access to any Sulu-based data (assets, users, categories, other custom modules, …)
  • Use Sulu’s integrated permission management for your business objects
  • Storage-agnostic (integration via REST API)
  • Abstract content types for easily integrating custom business objects into content
  • Freedom to choose your website’s frontend stack (React, Angular, Vue.js, …)
  • Powerful and widely-adopted templating engine (Twig)
  • Powerful caching mechanisms included
Interactive Digital Experiences - Step 1

Create your custom business objects in Symfony

The many developers already familiar with the Symfony PHP framework can get started with Sulu straight away. They have complete freedom to define business objects and business logic using their existing knowledge. Get data out to JSON, XML, or whatever format makes sense for the channel of your choice.

Interactive Digital Experiences - Step 2

Optionally use Sulu’s user-friendly administration interface to manage your data

Sulu’s administration interface is ideal for inputting and editing all types of data, including your custom business objects. Write a REST API for your business objects, add a little metadata and configuration, and you’re ready to use Sulu’s robust, prebuilt lists and forms. This can save hours of development, debugging, and maintenance work. It’s up to you whether to use Sulu or another UI, or none at all, according to your needs. Find out more in our guide.

Interactive Digital Experiences - Step 3

Build a content type to embed your business object in website content

Use predefined content types to integrate your business object with ease. If necessary, build your own content types to store data, then expose it in the editing interface according to your needs.

Interactive Digital Experiences - Step 4

Implement HTML output for your custom business object

To output content on a webpage, developers can use their existing Twig knowledge so onboarding is smoother. The content type passes everything that’s needed to the Twig template, and developers can access any property or method from `business_objects`.

Interactive Digital Experiences - Step 5

See the embedded business object on the website

Now you’re all setup and users can access the data objects through the website or any other channels you push data to.

See for yourself

We’d love to show you around Sulu so you can see how businesses benefit from its features and why developers love it. Get in touch and we’ll give you an online tour via video call.


It’s great how easy it is to set up a simple website and keep focus on custom development instead of template development.

Michel Falke
Michel Falke
Senior Developer
Webstores B.V.
Michel Falke
Multiportal and Multisite

Multiportal and Multisite

Manage many different sites cost-effectively from a single Sulu installation.
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Headless and API First Scenarios

Headless and API First Scenarios

Get an overview of the features that make Sulu ideal for headless and hybrid applications.
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