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Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.

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Sulu Release 1.6.33 & 2.0.7

Sulu 1.6.33 and 2.0.7 are rather big for hotfixes. Many changes have been made under the hood, but there are also quite a few other bugfixes included, also some for content managers. Let's have a deeper look!

Fixing bugs in our LTS version

Since Sulu 1.6 is still supported (and will be supported until Sulu 3.0 is released) we have also fixed the bugs that were affecting this version. This includes:

Further improving Sulu 2.0

In this release there are loads of smaller improvements, but I want to start with the ones that, based on your feedback, were bothering you (and me!) the most.

First of all, since Symfony 3.4 the cache for our live preview was not cleared anymore using the "cache:clear" command. Finally we have found a way around this, so starting from this release this command will also clear the preview cache.

Another bug concerning the cache was about our system collections. These collections are also stored in the cache, and they were not correctly created by the "sulu:build" command when the cache had not been cleared before manually. Thank you Pablo Lozano for fixing this!

Our list remembers the latest sort order of its columns, so that users don't have to always sort the columns. But if a new column was added, it did not appear if a column order was already persisted for the current user, and it was not possible to add the new column for this user without deleting their user settings. This has been fixed now. Mind that the column will be appended at the end of the table.

The following list contains a few more important bugfixes but is not exhaustive:

Checkout our release notes for a complete list of changes.


In addition to all of that, we also made some more improvements, especially adding a few more aliases so that services can be autowired. We have updated the Flow JavaScript typechecker to the latest version and we've updated the other JS tooling as well.

That sums up the most important changes in this release. As already mentioned, this release is pretty big for a hotfix, so there are many more small improvements included. In total we have merged over 50 pull requests! So update your applications and provide some feedback.

Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.
