Sulu 2.1 RC1 is here - with Symfony 5 Support, Nested Blocks and Deep Links

Today we released the first release candidate of S...
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Status of Sulu CMS Bundles

We love Symfony’s bundle architecture. In this pos...
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SuluArticleBundle 2.0.0 released

We are happy to announce that we have finally rele...
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Adding Sulu CMS to an existing Symfony project

With Sulu CMS you can create super-fast applicatio...
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Sulu Release 2.0.6

Yesterday's release (version 2.0.5 on March 26, 20...
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Sulu Release 1.6.32 & 2.0.5

We have published the next hotfix releases: Sulu 1...
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We’re up and running

Like many people worldwide, we’re affected by gove...
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Using Sulu CMS as a Headless CMS

Need headless capabilities and the features of a f...
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Sulu Release 1.6.31 & 2.0.4

With Sulu 1.6.31 and 2.0.4 we have fixed quite a f...
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Sulu Release 1.6.30 & 2.0.3 with PHP 7.4 support

The most important change in Sulu 1.6.30 and 2.0.3...
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Don’t forget the Hallway Track! Sulu sponsors the Symfony India Meetup

Part of our mission at Sulu has always been about ...
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Sulu Release 2.0.2 - they’re not just bug-fixes they’re features!

Sulu 2.0.2 is one of the early releases after our ...
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