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Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler

Co-Founder & CEO

Sulu's technical Master Blaster. Tries to keep our code on it's toes and to master Heston Blumenthal recipes on his very seldom free days.

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We’re up and running

Like many people worldwide, we’re affected by government restrictions targeted at slowing down the covid-19 pandemic. It’s worrying to see the virus spread and the possible consequences for our families and everyone around us.

But we’re doing our bit to #FlattenTheCurve by working from home for the foreseeable future.

We’d like to reassure you that our team and all of our systems are working as normal. We’re very resilient to this kind of crisis because working remotely is nothing new for us.

We’re here for you

If you have any problems or challenges you need our assistance with, you can reach out to us via the usual channels, including Slack. You’ll get a quick response, possibly even quicker than normal because our team members can choose their working hours more flexibly and so someone is online a lot of the time.

We need strong communities like never before

We’ll continue to monitor the situation — nobody really knows how long this will go on for — and do whatever it takes to maintain normal service. We’re lucky that our work on Sulu and the community is not directly affected by the social distancing policies, so we can continue progressing with Sulu CMS and delivering everything we’ve promised in the past.

These are testing times for everyone, both personally and professionally. Strong communities such as ours will beat covid-19 by working together, and we will emerge stronger.

Stay healthy, stay sane... stay home!

Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler

Co-Founder & CEO

Sulu's technical Master Blaster. Tries to keep our code on it's toes and to master Heston Blumenthal recipes on his very seldom free days.
