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Bernd Hepberger
Bernd Hepberger

Co-Founder & CEO

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Where the journey is leading us

We have been asked for a development roadmap ever since the Sulu pre-release in March. We’re really happy that the amount of feedback and interest especially within the Symfony community is constantly growing. So here we go, this is our roadmap for the Sulu development in 2014.

The alpha version with asset management and extended contact management ist planned for mid April. From there on all main content management functions are covered. During the summer more functions for managing global content, web search, a first version of SEO support and multiple improvements will follow. No holidays planned!

Beginning of October the eagerly awaited beta version will be released and we’re planning the first major release after a 3 months test drive to be finished in November. Watch this blog for more in-depth information about this.

Bernd Hepberger
Bernd Hepberger

Co-Founder & CEO