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Patrick Hopfner
Patrick Hopfner

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SuluArticleBundle feature complete - 1.0.0-RC7 released

After a few brainstorming sessions and few weeks of intensive development we are happy to say: "SuluArticleBundle is feature complete!". This means this will (hopefully!) be the last RC release of our biggest bundle outside the core.

I'd like to show you our latest features and give you some information about the further roadmap.

New features in this release

We implemented two big features:

1. Shadow articles
You might already know the "shadow" functionally from Sulu pages. It has now also been implemented in this bundle.

2. Multi webspace behavior
This feature was probably the most important piece of the puzzle for larger enterprise projects. Now a content manager is able to choose in which webspaces an article should appear.

1.0.0 Release

If there is no big issue anymore after this last release-candidate we are going to release 1.0.0.

2.0.0 Release

In the near future we will publish the 2.0.0 release. This won't bring any new features but will introduce the compatibility to Sulu's new Admin-UI and the compatibility to Elasticsearch 6.0.

Feedback wanted and needed!

As you see we are planning many things in the near future for this bundle. This makes feedback from the community even more important to us. So we are very happy to hear from you.

If you experience any problems feel free to create an issue on GitHub or contact us via Slack.

Patrick Hopfner
Patrick Hopfner