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Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.

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Sulu Release 1.5.19 & 1.6.23

Yesterday we have released Sulu 1.5.19 and 1.6.23.

The new release of the 1.5.x series has some bug and performance fixes:

  • Proper exception message for locked and disabled users are provided now
  • The locale of the default user has been changed to english
  • Query parameters are passed when doing a redirect from a URL with slash to a URL without slash
  • Fix a timeout on travis when testing against PHP 5.5
  • Fix the default value of field parameters
  • Improve performance of the DocumentManager by remvonig redundant iteration of properties

The 1.6.x series now includes all of these bugfixes as well. In addition to them a tiny new feature was included, which will automatically rotate image based on the image's EXIF metadata.


Special thanks go to our community contributors ADMadAndrás Debreczeni, Karsten Frohwein, and Michel Falke.

Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.
