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Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.

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Sulu Hack Day: February 2016

Last Saturday, the Sulu core team met at the MASSIVE ART office in Dornbirn for the February edition of the Sulu Hack Day. We try to organize such a Hack Day every one or two months in order to handle issues that get little attention during our daily business. The team also takes the chance to experiment with different technologies that might become handy for Sulu.

What We Did

Thomas used the day for some research about the future of Sulu's JavaScript architecture. He investigated about using WebPack as RequireJS replacement, but without success: Sulu needs a JavaScript framework that is highly customizable at runtime, which isn't possible with WebPack. In the future, we'll do some more experiments with other JavaScript frameworks such as T3 or React.

Johannes worked on the integration of his php-task library in Sulu. This library will be useful for performing recurring tasks like cache warming or publishing content within specific date ranges.

Alex continued his work on the XLIFF export and import feature for webspaces. This feature will greatly facilitate translating your website content: Export all text as XLIFF–a standardized format supported by many translation tools–pass it to your translation agency and import the translations back into Sulu when they are done. We're really excited about this feature.

Last but not least, Daniel worked on the setup of our JavaScript test suite using the intern testing framework. By adding tests, we would like to prevent regressions as we continue to work on and improve our JavaScript code.

Coming Up Next

All in all, 5 people joined the Hack Day, we ate 3 pizzas and drank 7 coffees. Not impressive? We think so too! Hence our next Hack Day is targeted not at the local, but especially at the international Sulu community. Would you like to get your hands on Sulu? Learn when and where to use it? Talk to the core developers to have your questions answered? This will be your chance. Join our Slack channel and take part.

The next Hack Day is scheduled for around end of April. Keep an eye on our Twitter account, where we will announce the actual time and date soon.

Daniel Rotter

Core developer and support guru. Passionate traveler and soccer player.
