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Patrick Hopfner
Patrick Hopfner

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Sulu Demo Release

We are happy to announce the release of our brand new Sulu demo website which will cover real-world use cases.

Live Demo

The live demo is now available under the domain Of course it’s based on the latest Sulu 1.6 release with all its features and goodness. Give it a try and let it rock your content ;-)


It’s also possible to download and install the project on your local machine. Follow the installation instruction which you will find on


This is the initial version of the new demo website to showcase some basic Sulu features to a broader public. But we are not finished yet. There are so many use cases to cover and we are going to improve the demo within the next releases.

The demo website aims to be a living project which will evolve and grow to demonstrate best practices. If you have any issues, feature requests or even want to contribute you can find the project on GitHub.

You can see this demo as an extension to the documentation and reference implementation of a real project.


If you have any feedback or questions, just let us know!

Patrick Hopfner
Patrick Hopfner