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Johannes Moser

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Sulu at the Symfony User Group in Munich

Last week we visited the Symfony User Group in Munich. The Symfony User Group is organized by Philipp Rieber. This time it was hosted by Börse Go. It was an employee (Martin) of Börse Go who opened the evening with some interesting figures about their daily work. - Huge amount of data.

Afterwards it was our turn.

Talking about Sulu

We introduced Sulu by giving some information on the vision and philosophy of the content mamagement platform. We showed how Sulu is setup and what comes with it. Then we talked about some design decisions we took. Why we used PHPCR, why we preferred live preview over inline editing and why we implemented so called smart content data providers.

And even more Symfony Talks

Chris Jolly gave a little update on what's new in the Drupal world. He was at the Drupalcon in Barcelona the week before.

Using xdebug in every Setup you could imagine was the title of a very clear and reflected demonstration by Philipp Reader at the end of the Meetup. He also wrote a Blogpost on this topic. 

And hey, there was also pizza and beer!

Thanks Munich for having us.

Johannes Moser