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Pre-Release 0.1

This is it! Having accomplished 18 sprints we proudly publish the alpha pre-release of our content management framework Sulu. This first release provides insight into the efficiency of Sulu such as the sustained multi-language support in the administration of multiple portals.

Although the scope of the framework is still growing, the user interface’s power can already be felt with its streamlined design and common look and feel of various components. We are eagerly awaiting to see how this user interface will prove itself out in the field. First responsive concepts have already been implemented.

Staying true to the CMF paradigm, we have set a clear focus on the development of core content management functionalities as the main features throughout the most recent sprints. The web spaces are configurable on demand by location, language and domain. Featuring standard functionalities such as creating, editing and publishing pages we are proud to showcase our hot features in this alpha.

The previously introduced Column Tree enables an intuitive administration of nested site structures. Leveraging web sockets, layout changes are instantaneously visualized through the Live Preview feature. Utilizing Smart Content several pages can be displayed on an overview page via filter definitions. This summary preview can be further adapted by additional sorting options.

To top it off, we have implemented the first version of the user group and user role management including user rights and a central tag administration. A considerable amount of energy was directed towards the list views, which enables a user to individualize the way lists are displayed. User-specific sorting preferences, column visibility and sorting order are automatically saved for each Sulu user.

Having summarized the most important features we are now updating the Sulu roadmap, which will be published soon. In the meantime you can actually get your hands on the latest Sulu Alpha release on Git.

Have fun!

Sulu Team