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Alexander Schranz

Core Developer

Core developer and support king. So dedicated to his work that we couldn't find a hobby to mention.

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Add community interactions to your webspace

Sulu allows you not only to create complex websites. Building web applications with community features is also very easy to manage. To make such projects a lot easier the community bundle will add typical user interactions to your webspace:

  •  Login form
  •  Registration form
  •  Password forget form
  •  Profile edit form with avatar upload
  •  Blacklisting


The documentation for installing the community bundle can be found here. The community bundle needs to be setup for the specific webspace. This basic configuration can also be found in the setup webspace documentation.

Registration process

The default registration process is a double opt-in: after the required information has been entered, the user will receive an email with an activation link to confirm the registration. This process can be changed to different variations from a single opt-in to an admin based review and unlock process.

Completion process

This is an additional form which can be added to your registration process to allow the user to enter missing data. E.g. the registration could only require username and email address and the completion form will ask the user to enter a first and last name to finish the registration. In the default configuration this form will not be shown.

Password forget/reset process

A typical login needs a password forget function. The user will again receive a link via email with which the new password can be reset. The configuration of the community bundle also allows to send this email exclusively or additionally to the a specified admin to notify about the password change.

Profil edit

The profile edit allows the user to change the personal data. Here it is also possible for the user to upload a profile image and to change the email address and password.

Email confirmation

After a user changed the email address in the profile edit an email will be sent to the old address with a confirmation link.


Blacklisting allows you to block users with a specific email address or domain from registering to your applications. It can also be configured to require an admin to check manually new users before the confirmation email is sent. In this case the admin will get an email for every new registration request.

The community bundle provides all the basic features you need for a community based website or application. With some knowledge about Symfony Forms it allows a lot of customization and configuration to changed everything to your needs.

Alexander Schranz

Core Developer

Core developer and support king. So dedicated to his work that we couldn't find a hobby to mention.
