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Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler

Co-Founder & CEO

Sulu's technical Master Blaster. Tries to keep our code on it's toes and to master Heston Blumenthal recipes on his very seldom free days.

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Sulu on the Road

As open source enthusiasts, we like to get to know and interact with our larger community whenever we can. That’s why we’re excited to share Sulu is going on the road! Core members of our team will be presenting at two upcoming conferences in two different European locations ... and, we have tickets to give away! Read on to find out more.

We are sponsors of SymfonyLive Berlin, coming up on October 5th-6th. My talk is called Efficient Caching for Modern Websites, where we’ll take a look at the fundamentals of HTTP caching. Specifically, how you can use caching mechanisms to deliver content faster and reduce server load. Come see me on Thursday in the Symfony Room at 11:10 AM, and stay afterward so we can chat.

The second conference is SyliusCon! In Poznan, Poland on November 3, Core Developer Johannes Wachter will present his talk "Sulu & Sylius | Content and Commerce." He will tackle the challenging task of harmonizing customer-specific eCommerce processes with sophisticated content architecture. Come meet and speak with Johannes!

Finally, for anyone feeling spontaneous, we are delighted to offer two free SymfonyLive Berlin tickets to you, our community! Retweet our social media post to be entered into the raffle for a chance to win.

We’re excited to speak with you all in person soon, talk about our mutual passions, and exchange valuable information.

See you there!

Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler

Co-Founder & CEO

Sulu's technical Master Blaster. Tries to keep our code on it's toes and to master Heston Blumenthal recipes on his very seldom free days.
